Originally posted by memine on mtbr
“Some news for you: I received an email from a visitor to the Darrington Trail (aka Salmon Falls). He had never ridden there before and was in search of the Mickey Mouse Trail and Flagstaff Trail. Well he found them both along with the landowner of the private property that these trails cross. Yes, indeed these two trails are on private property. Chris Marney tells me that the State Park property stops at 200 feet above the lake level (high water mark I suspect).
The landowner has “closed” the Flagstaff and Mickey Mouse trails and asked the visiting mountain biker not to ride there. The landowner is concerned
with liability issues and is planning on developing a portion of the property. Unfortunately, this isn’t a surprise when you see how much development is occurring in that area. I will attempt to contact the
landowner and see if we can work out a compromise deal. In the mean time, please be respectful of the landowner’s wishes.”
NOTE: Hopefully, we’ll be able to establish a legitimate route on MM via a trail easement or other cooperative arrangement with the owner(s). Stay tuned for details.