So after a bit of a break from updating the site Fiona has goaded me into action again. Strangely the update I worked on first is completely un-ridable right now since it’s under 12″+ of snow. However since Fiona is the one who prodded me into working on the site she picked the trail I updated first.
The Strawberry Loop is Fiona’s Favorite ride. Unfortunately until the thaw she just gets to look at the map and drool and speak of it wistfully to other riders. This is a great beginner/ intermediate friendly trail about 30 minutes east of Twain Harte off of highway 108. It also makes for some great bonus miles either at the beginning or the end of a Pinecrest Peak ride. Without further ado, here is the Ride Guide for Fiona’s Favorite, Strawberry Loop.
Incidentally some time ago I created a collection of Beginner Friendly Trails which sort of slid out there without mention. So if you are a beginning rider you might want to check them out. Many are spread all over Northern Califormia.