An Old Fashioned Dome Raising Party

Our floor was FINALLY poured Thursday and we were told we could start framing this weekend so I invited/ begged a few friends to come over and give us a hand with the framing on the inside

After a long Saturday of building with 5 good friends, Char and I, we managed to get a huge amount of progress  More than half the walls are framed and there were not tour normal square/ 8 foot jobs  We were wrestling 13 foot boards into place and many had complex Curt’s to fit the curves of the dome

80 percent done, 80% to go


Home build update: Pre-foundation

Now that the weather is cooperating things are moving at a good clip. We went from a ring of dirt to a fairly substantial packed gravel slab in less than a week. We’re waiting on tests coming back to ensure the gravel is packed tight enough, but the guy taking the samples seemed to be confident it’s ok. According to Wayne from East-West Concrete we should have forms in place next week and hopefully the foundation poured shortly after.

The floor is going to be about 2′ 7″ above ground level due to flood concerns which is why it’s built up so high. That puts our roof 19 feet above ground level.

Septic is finally in the home stretch, we’re taking delivery of 60 tons of fill dirt tomorrow to cover up the leech lines then we’ll be fully operational (after inspection).


A few quick updates on the house

… it’s been a long time since I’ve blogged about much, so on Father’s Day 2018, I’m posting about a lot of random stuff.

About 8 years ago we bought a place along highway 58 with the goal of building a house on it “Next Year”… and every year since then it’s been “Next Year”. Last year we thought it was finally the year it would happen, but delays in the permitting process and weather prevented that, but it’s looking like there is a very good chance we’ll at least start building *this year* and very soon.

(This is the site plan for our property, we have 4.5 acres)

Lane County dragged their feet on granting us our building permit and didn’t finalize it until very late in the year. So late in fact that we were only able to just barely get the driveway finished before the rains started in earnest.

We also contacted a septic installer to install our septic system, but they’ve proved to be the least competent septic installer in Lane County and our septic system is *still* not complete, and suffered some damage over the winter because it wasn’t buried.

We still absolutely love the property with one small exception, we are right on highway 58 and the noise from the road is bad. We are working on a fence which should help a bit, and we’ve planted over 80 trees which should help block site and noise.

We’ve been living in the RV for about a year now which… sucks… but not quite bad enough where either of us want to move back into an apartment in town. Being on our place and being able to work on the driveway, plant trees, install irrigation, and enjoy the wildlife on our property makes up a whole lot for the RV life.

Our septic system should be completed within the next week or two and our main builder is just finishing up a project and will soon by starting the grading and build up required before building the foundation. We’ve been told everything is lined up to be ready to move in August.

