
I changed the theme to a more modern/ iPhone friendly theme for the site. In addition to changing the theme, I’ve cleaned up a lot of broken links and just general cruft. Things are still under construction so expect to see more changes and a bit more active posting as I’ve been riding more lately.

Performance, Downtime, etc UPDATED!

Well my web host’s performance has been quite disappointing lately and I’ve gotten quite frustrated with it so I decided this last time the host just slowed to a crawl for a day solid to just switch web hosts. We’ll see how this one works out. Right now I’m still working the kinks out of the new webhost so please bear with a few bumps and bugs. If you notice any problems please use the contact form or email me at mtbogre -at- gmail.

Update 4/14: D’oh! So my Contact Form was one of the things that was down. Turns out I thought I had most of my site back online I still have a long ways to go. Thanks for being patient! The Contact Form is now working so please accept my apologies. Still broken is my newer image galleries/ ride report along with the Trail Map. If you find anything else let me know.

Grrr… Wayback machine.


What lousy timing. Well I restored most of the older stuff, I’m working on getting the rest online.

It looks like I restored most of the articles ok,  probably a little weirdness in them but not too bad.  I lost some comments on the articles, I’m working on getting those back up.

The Map Revisited

Rev 2 of my Trailhead Map is mostly ready. I actually crashed version 1 and don’t feel like fixing it because this version was so close to being ready. So what you get is almost all of the features I’d intended but I don’t have the database built completely yet. However even at this point I think it is pretty unique and cool. Currently the map includes the Folsom/ Auburn Area trails like the old one did plus a few others. I have a database backend on it now so I can add trails to it very quickly so I expect it will grow very quickly.

While working on this I’ve realized that my site has really started to become quite large and cumbersome at it is quite a chore trying to keep everything up to date. Also at one point in time I lost quite a bit of content and I need to rebuild it but time is just slipping by.

If anyone would like to help me add locations to the trailhead map please Contact Me! and I would love to set you up. Incidentally for those who have used my contact me link on the site and found it broken it is now a web form. You can email me at ogre -at ogrehut -dot- com or just use the form (which emails me).

General Ranting

Just a couple of quick notes. I got a helmet camera in the mail so I will soon be posting videos as well as pictures of rides. This weekend I am heading up to Oat Hill so I will try to get some videos from there but since this will be my first effort don\’t expect a lot.

Also, I managed to recover quite a bit of the lost information on my site but I am still missing quite a bit. The only backup I had was way too old.

Web Site issues

Apparently my site has been attacked and many of my pages were wiped out. I am working on getting a backup restored and getting the affected pages rebuilt but in the mean time bear with me. Most of the pictures are intact but the text content was wiped out.

Ride Announcements

I have put up a small forum for folks who want to find group rides. There are catagories for Mountain Bike rides in the valley area and road rides listed by county. Click here or click on find a ride in the menu bar on the left.

New Web Host

It seems like every third post is about changing web hosting providers, but I did it again. I go tired of getting double and triple billed by my old hosting provider so I decided to mooch web space from a friend. Jason is a great guy and has been a huge help moving my site over to his server. If there are any problems with the site please Let me know.